Monday 6 May 2013

Snood lovin'

So I've been getting quite a few requests to make some snoods for some lovely ladies. Last year my Mum took some time out to teach me how to crochet and I picked it up quite quickly. I made some of my own little crocheted characters to sell as hair clips but, they were very time consuming. I will post some pictures of them at some point. 

Any who, I stumbled across this vintage pattern for a 'perky snood' and I adapted it to suit a ribbon instead of elastic and also so it would fit my short hair. So here are some photo's of  the ones I  made. The red one is going to my teacher at school so she can use it on her clients!

These will be available some time soon in my Etsy store. The next one I'm starting will be a soft pink and I can't wait to wear it! x


  1. Yay you're on blogspot! I can't wait to buy from you - you're so talented! I'm now following you and I'm following you on Bloglovin' :)

    1. Thank you! I will have to check out Bloglovin', I'm still not 100% sure how to use everything haha :)x

  2. Oh I love these, you're so talented! x

