Monday 5 May 2014

Liana Laine YouTube

Last week I tried putting together a little video for my first YouTube channel. You can find the link to the video below and hear my little voice! I've decided to change my name from Demoiselle Blanche over to Liana Laine. Liana is actually my first name and I liked the sound of Laine after it. It took a while reading through baby names books to find it, but I'm finally happy with it. I hope you like it too! I will make the change on the blog once I have a banner and all that finished.

I'm still learning how to edit videos and also learning how to use YouTube. The whole video has been filmed off my iPhone. It didn't work that well though because my phone is filled with music and photos so I had to keep stopping the video and then transfer it over to my computer. It was a very long process indeed!
Fortunately my lovely housemate has given me his camera which will hopefully cut down the time a bit.

Anywho I hope you like the video, please let me know what you think and what you would like to see me film!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to your pincurling tutorial. I'm also hoping you'll post a few tutorials on how you do your gorgeous make-up! xx Fran
